Toxemia During Pregnancy

Toxemia During Pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy is often accompanied by numerous health risks and complications. Toxemia is one of such complications. This condition is often defined by high blood pressure yet its other signs are rather diverse and go from easily manageable to life-threatening. What Is Toxemia? Some women can develop toxemia after 4.5 months of pregnancy. In some … Read more

Pregnancy and Blood Clots: Risks Explained

Blood Clots during Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant can increase the risk of blood clot formation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that women can develop a blood clot during pregnancy five times more often than outside this state. Such a high risk preserves throughout the pregnancy and three months after delivery. While this condition may be dangerous, there … Read more

Bed Rest during Pregnancy: Yes or No?

Bed Rest during Pregnancy

Studies claim that about 20% of women are recommended bed rest at some point in their pregnancies. While many OB-GYNs still consider this an effective method of preventing preterm labor and other pregnancy complications, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists doesn’t recommend it. They say there’s no scientific evidence that bed rest can improve … Read more