Postpartum Bleeding after a C-Section

Postpartum Bleeding after a C-Section

The number of birth via Cesarean delivery in the USA is constantly growing. According to the information provided by the CDC, as of 2020, 31.8% of all pregnancies ended with a C-section. Some mothers-to-be have their surgery planned, while for others, it becomes unexpected and even shocking. But the main thing is to preserve the … Read more

Nipple Pain Remedies. Helping Yourself at Home

Nipple Pain Remedies

The image of breastfeeding created by social media is usually crushed by the reality where there is not only a smiling and sweetly sleeping infant but also blocked milk ducts, breast pain, and nipple soreness. However, none of these things can stop a mom who decides to breastfeed no matter what. Today we’ll speak about … Read more