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Cervix in Early Pregnancy

The cervix is the organ that changes with every stage of your menstrual cycle. The same happens during pregnancy, even if it’s only beginning. No surprise that some women check their cervix to define whether they have conceived or not. The article reveals the details about every change this organ undergoes after an embryo takes its place in the womb. So if you are ready to take an in-depth look into this topic, we’ll gladly share our knowledge.

Cervix Before and During Pregnancy: Learning the Difference

Cervix is a part of the female reproductive system, found between the vagina and uterus. During the menstrual cycle, the position of the cervix varies. In the part of the cycle between ovulation and menstruation, your cervix will sit low. When the time for ovulation comes, the organ gets higher.

In case you manage to conceive, the organ will stay high and won’t be back to its lower position until it’s time for you to give birth to a baby.

However, it’s not only the position of the organ that alters. The tactile difference between non-pregnant and pregnant woman’s cervix is also significant. If you are not expecting, it will feel firm,resembling the tip of your nose. But when there is already a new human growing in the womb, your cervix feels soft, just like your lips. Such changes are induced by the increased supply of blood to the organ, which needs lots of nutrients and oxygen to help the embryo develop and grow.

Still, these are not all the changes your body will undergo in the first days of pregnancy.

Cervical Discharge: Things to Notice

If you are attentive to your body, you’ve noticed that the vaginal discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle. Right after the menses, it is very insignificant, which may even cause a vaginal discomfort in some women. When your fertility window opens, the mucus becomes creamy and its amount grows significantly.

Once your ovulation comes, your vaginal discharge becomes stretchy and somehow similar to the egg white. This is required to simplify the travel of the sperm to the ovum. Thickening and drying up of the mucus is typical for post-ovulatory period without pregnancy. But if you notice the contrary is happening at this stage, it may be one of the first signs of pregnancy. Eventually cervical discharge will form a mucus plug that will protect your womb and the fetus from the entrance of infection.

The Algorithm of Cervix Check

Unlike common thought, it’s not only your health care provider who can examine your cervical changes. In fact, you can perform the check yourself. Still, we have to note that such a method of diagnosing pregnancy can be informative for those only who know how will their cervix feel when not pregnant.

But before you get down to checking your cervix for any changes signaling a new life inside, wash your hands and dry them well to reduce the chance of bringing bacteria in there. When you finish with the preparation, put your middle finger inside the vagina deep enough to find the organ.

The cervix feels like something of the round shape. Some people may compare it to a ball or a round donut. In pregnant women, it will stand high in the vagina and feel soft. Those who haven’t conceived will find it lower and firm to the touch.

If you suspect expecting a baby, check your suspicions with a home pregnancy test. It should be used the day you are late with your menses as this is the time when the amounts of pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine can be noticed by this kind of test.

What Is the Role of Cervix in Pregnancy?

This organ plays a significant role in preserving the pregnancy.When your doctor or midwife carries out the vaginal checkup, they will evaluate the position of your cervix not to miss the medical condition called incompetent cervix.It is characterized by the organ lowering and opening sooner than expected, thus triggering premature birth.But if your cervix stays high, you will likely reach full term.

Even if your doctor notices any worrying changes in your cervix, there are effective ways of preventing premature birth. Cerclage is one of them. It implies sewing a stitch on your cervix for strengthening the organ. Progesterone supplementation is another option your doctor may offer.

Cervix in Early Pregnancy – Final Words

The cervix can tell a lot about your female health and your pregnancy. Still, this is not the most reliable method of pregnancy self-diagnostics. So you better use a pregnancy test and set an appointment with your OB-GYN to prove you are expecting a baby.

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