Instructions for Clearblue Pregnancy Test – Regardless of whether you’ve missed your menses or have recently had unprotected intercourse, you might want to test for pregnancy. To get precise results, you should choose the right Clearblue test and stick to the recommendations on the package.
Hopefully, our instructions will be helpful. So let’s not waste a minute!
Choosing the Right Test
The brand offers a whole range of tests for detecting pregnancy. Each of them is designed for specific goals. Digital tests intend for a more straightforward interpretation of the results, those for rapid detection of pregnancy save your nerve, reducing the time of the check to a minimum, and the Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test is perfect for women who can’t wait until the day their period is due.
When It’s Best to Do a Test?
Any pregnancy test determines pregnancy by the presence of a special hormone in your urine. The test results can be precise only if the hormone levels are high enough to be detected. Typically, they reach this point within 2 – 3 weeks after fertilization. So with the help of an Early Detection Pregnancy Test, you can get to know about your pregnancy 6 days before you expect your period to come.
Not all tests allow for testing early due to the differences in sensitivity, so make sure you opt for the one meeting your needs.
Preparing for Testing. Things to Know
For an informative and reliable early testing for pregnancy, it is preferable to use the first urine of the day. That’s because it is most concentrated and therefore contains peaking amounts of a pregnancy hormone, allowing for accurate results.
Please note that hormone levels vary greatly depending on the time of the day and your hydration. When testing in the morning and thirsty, your result will be more precise than the one you receive at noon after a glass of water. Avoid drinking fluid in advance of testing as this may significantly influence the accuracy of the result.
Even if this is not the first time you are using a Clearblue pregnancy test, make sure you revise the instructions provided by the manufacturer. It’s essential to perform the procedure as recommended to avoid false results.
Another thing you should do while preparing is to pick the preferred method of testing. The Clearblue tests can be used in two ways: you can either test directly in the urine stream or do this by collecting a urine sample. If that’s the latter option, prepare a container to collect your urine.
A Detailed Guide on Pregnancy Testing
Although the basic principles of using tests for pregnancy are identical regardless of the method you opt for, there are some differences you should know about. But before we get down to them, let’s specify what you should do first.
Before testing, check if the test term hasn’t expired. Otherwise, its results will be unreliable. Next, unpack the testing stick and take off the cap covering its absorbent tip. Depending on the method of testing pick for yourself, the following steps will be different.
For the urine flow test, keep the absorbing tip under the stream of the urine while counting to five. If you select the option with the urine sample, it should be collected in a clean, dry container. After that, you should immerse the absorbing tip in your urine and countto 5 or 20 (time is specified on the pack). Please note that you should keep the absorbing tip looking downwards until you continue with the testing.
The following thing to do is to return the cap and lay the stick on a flat surface. Within 1 to 3 minutes you’ll already be able to have a look at the result.
Is It Yes or No? How to Interpret the Result?
The reliability of this test for detecting pregnancy is estimated at 99% on condition that you perform the testing from the day your menstruation is due. Unfortunately, same accuracy is impossible to achieve if you do a test several days before you expect your menses to start. For instance, the reliability of the test done three days early reaches 88%. This percentage grows steadily as your estimated menses date approaches.
A slight chance of receiving a false negative result is always present. For this reason we recommend repeated testing in two days. Still, only a blood test and an ultrasound can give a 100% true answer to whether you are pregnant or not.
For accuracy, you should wait before evaluating the results for exactly the time specified on the product package. In case you read the results earlier than recommended, the risk of a false negative is rather high, so be patient and follow the instructions.
The verdict of the test should be checked in the result window. A positive sign or two lines signal about pregnancy. The second line may be faint and hardly visible, but if it is there, the result is definitely positive. One line means there’s no pregnancy. It’s much simpler with the digital tests as they inform you about the result by spelling the answer.
Instructions for Clearblue Pregnancy Test – Summing up
Whether praying for two strips on the test or hoping for a negative, don’t get disappointed if the outcome is different from what you would like it to be. Sometimes, it’s just too early for the test to detect a new life growing inside you, so repeating it once again after some days may be a good idea. Anyway, you shouldn’t lose hope.
If your result is positive, but you are not sure whether you want to continue with this pregnancy, remember that you are not alone, and there are people and organizations that can help you make the right decision and support you no matter what you choose.