Sunscreen Safe for Pregnancy. Choosing the Best Option

Sunscreen Safe for Pregnancy

When pregnant, a lot of women become literally obsessed with minimizing the use of any cosmetics and stuff that may contain potentially dangerous substances. Sunscreen is one of the items that often gets on the list of I-won’t-use-it things due to the fear of harming the development of the fetus. However, getting to extremes is … Read more

Lactating While Not Pregnant. Is It Possible?

Lactating While Not Pregnant

Despite the common thought that milky nipple discharge occurs only during and after pregnancy, sometimes people may have it outside the mentioned conditions. Although most people take such a physical phenomenon as lactation, they do not actually produce breast milk. It’s only a nipple discharge that can occur due to a number of factors, although … Read more

What Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like?

What Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like?

Hoping for pregnancy, people try to distinguish any sign or symptom that may signal they’vesucceeded. Implantation bleeding is one of those appearing at the earliest. It is generally considered that around 15 – 25% of women do experience implantation bleeding. Therefore, having it is as normal as not having it. Before we get down to … Read more