Everything You May Want to Know about Pregnancy

Pregnancy is as beautiful as it is challenging. This period in the life of a woman is full of contradictions. And it’s not because of you being unsure of whether you really want to be a mom but because of the mood swings your hormones will create. Anyway, having the knowledge about your state and support from your loved ones, you’ll make it through this period happy and healthy with the reward waiting for you in the end.

How to Know You Are Pregnant?

Finding out about pregnancy is always emotional, whether you’ve been hoping to see the two lines on a pregnancy test or this happened by surprise. Many women want to know if they are expecting a baby or not within days after possible conception. However, pregnancy tests won’t work until 6 days before your period’s due date. Besides, the reliability of such early testing is quite low, so you’d better wait until you are one day late with your menses.

But what if you can’t wait? What if you want to know here and now? Well, there are some early signs of pregnancy that may give you a hint about your condition:

  • implantation bleeding;
  • unusual tiredness and sleepiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • breast tenderness;
  • mood changes, and others.

You Are Pregnant. What to Do?

When you test positive for pregnancy using a home test, it’s also essential that you confirm this by visiting your health care provider. An ultrasound check and a blood test for hCG levels will become more reliable proof of your healthy pregnancy. Besides, such a checkup will allow your doctor to exclude ectopic pregnancy, which happens in 2% of all pregnancies.

Not all pregnant women will feel the entire spectrum of pregnancy symptoms right away. They may come gradually one after another or may not come at all, like implantation bleeding, which happens in 30% of pregnancies only.It’s normal.

Once you are confident about a new life growing inside you, you should do all possible to be healthy and provide your baby with vitamins and nutrients essential for its healthy development. Eat healthily, be physically active if you feel well, and don’t forget about taking vitamins and supplements for pregnant women. Stay positive, and remember you are not alone in your journey. There are people who will help and support you on your way to becoming a mom. Good luck!